This is awesome, David!
Can you put your name into the race? Ha ha.
Seriously, as an admirer of Bernie since the mid 1990s, his campaign this time around is a serious disappointment.
He has a trust in Biden that I just don’t understand. I heard Matt Taibbi a few weeks back on the excellent ‘Useful Idiots” Podcast talking about how when Bernie was a freshman senator, most senators wouldn’t give him the time of day, but Biden did and so Bernie has never forgotten that.
I just wish that meant Biden also listened to Bernie in terms of his policies. Does it? I am not convinced.
Thus, I am going to write a short article today about how it is Biden and his team that need to convince me, as a Bernie supporter, over the next few months that they really have what it takes to be a decent president.
At this point, I have found them very unconvincing.
Okay, great article! If only you were Bernie’s speechwriter… (still, I DO appreciate the effort and think it matters for us to have these sorts of conversations!).