The Astrology of the First Half of 2024 Is Electric

A charged, revolutionary zeitgeist is the theme for this action-packed first half of 2024

Bryan Winchell
17 min readDec 31, 2023

Note: I am currently a student of astrology, enrolled in a serious online course after four years of study via podcasts, videos, blogs, and membership in astrology communities. I humbly offer this article because astrology is an ancient, deep practice, and I have to learn much. I hope you find it useful.

Note 2: At this start of 2024, I’m transitioning my writing over to Substack. If you enjoyed this piece and are interested in more like it, please consider following me at “The Archetypal Lens” on Substack. Thanks.

Okay, this image from The Astrology Podcast’s 2024 Year Ahead Forecast is for the whole year, but it’s too pretty not to use, and it gives a nice visual of the movements of the planets through the Zodiac in 2024!

General Overview

Unlike the past few years when the activities of the Heavens suggested humanity had at least January to get things in gear, the astrology of 2024 — from January 2— clearly states: It’s Go Time.

And 2024 looks rapid, transformational, expansive, and unpredictable, especially in the year’s first half. As a result, the predictions of astrologers are all over the map (and I’ve got some doozies of my own in this article!). In general, there’s a feeling of giddiness and hope that for the first time in a few years, the Universe is really offering us the energetic support to…



Bryan Winchell

A Serious Fool who writes about: Personal/collective growth, politics, love of Nature/Humanity, Japan, podcasting, humor, and being a hippie in Service to Life.