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An Intro to MBTI and How It Has Improved My Life
How Learning the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator can make you more forgiving, accepting person
I’ve always loved learning new things. Perhaps this is because I was raised by parents who were educators, perhaps it’s a part of my character; or, as I suspect, it’s probably both.
I’m a both/and kind of guy but if you were to put a gun to my head and force me to choose whether this is due to nature or nurture, I’d think you were an a-hole for using a gun and then because my belief in both/and is not so strong that I am willing to die over it, I’d answer “nature” and I’d back my answer up with the personality type theory known as MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator).
The thing is, I’ve studied MBTI for five years now and it didn’t take me long to realize that not everyone is wired the same as me and that this is a good thing.
You see, I think the two ways that studying MBTI has benefited me can also benefit you and those are: 1) increasing my understanding of myself (personal growth) and 2) increasing my empathy and appreciation for others, especially personality types that sometimes rub me the wrong way.
Before we get into how that works, let’s dive into MBTI basics, shall we?