A Love Story For These Treacherous Times

Bryan Winchell
10 min readFeb 21, 2022
Photo by Mike Erskine on Unsplash

In the not-too-distant future, an ancient storyteller dressed in a flowing robe exits his cozy cottage and walks toward the center of camp where his tribe awaits him. A home-cooked meal resting pleasantly in his belly, the storyteller hears the sound of laughter coming from the circle around the fire, which lights up the wintry night like a beckoning lighthouse, calling the storyteller to join the tribe.

He approaches slowly, however, for he wants to savor the Moment and allow the tribe their mirth before he begins his tale. He stops and looks up at the sky, noting Jupiter and Saturn moving ever closer together for another Great Conjunction and he appreciates his deep feeling of connection with these superpowers in the sky.

At last, he reaches the fire and takes his place in the circle, feeling the comfort of the crackling fire warm his old bones, keeping the chilly February air at bay and, in a deep, full voice, he begins to tell the evening’s tale.

“Imagine: We are looking through the eyes of an eagle swirling above a mountain, mighty and majestic, reaching up…



Bryan Winchell

A Serious Fool who writes about: Personal/collective growth, politics, love of Nature/Humanity, Japan, podcasting, humor, and being a hippie in Service to Life.